
Learning Bites BLOG

Great you are here! We are Anna & Paulina and we invite you to join our Learning Bites Blog.

Take your time, sit back, grab your favorite drink and enjoy our articles. We promise inspiration, motivation and practical tips spiced up with a dash of humor. Our mission is to share our experience to reconnect you with your insights on your personal growth, future potential and professional development/career.

Welcome! How wonderful you are here!

One assessment that changed my life.

Is it possible to measure the immeasurable? Is there a way to choose how we react? How interested would you be in learning it?

My natural approach is to serve others. What’s yours?

Everyone has a mix of different energies. We are just like a stock market. Every month, week or even day we go up & down…

How anabolic & catabolic energy impacts your life?

Have you ever wondered how the core energy of your typical reactions and attitude impacts your life? Because it certainly does. Would you like to know more?

What is Core Energy™?

Very often we shine with less light than we could. It results in us not being able to use our full potential. What’s the reason for it?

Core Energy™ – a different way of coaching

How is Core Energy Coaching™ different from traditional methods? Get to know Anna who experienced Core Energy Coaching™ herself and became the Core Energy Coach™ herself.

Training in the PHILIPPINES: my 3 lessons

What do penguins have in common with the Philippines? Are there any lessons you can learn when training in Manila?

6 steps to strengthen your recognition system

People work for money but go the extra mile for recognition – 6 steps to strengthen your recognition system

Training in CHINA: my 3 lessons

What can you learn when delivering a training in China? My biggest lessons were about my training delivery style and building relations. Why?

3 tips to raise your chances during an interview

A key thing to focus on during an interview is what we can influence (like prior preparation). Here are 3 tips which will help you!