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Women Empowerment – Leadership Workshop

About the program

Women Empowerment


Self-belief is the highest form of Power

We often hear from women that they don’t have the courage to live authentically, to take the first step towards what they want. They don’t have the courage to tell their family and the world (and sometimes even themselves) what they desire. They don’t have the courage to take risks, although they feel that this is what they want.

As it turns out, the practice of our courage is the most important and YES it is possible! Mary Daly, a theologian, writes: “Courage is like – it’s a habitus, a habit, a virtue: you get it by courageous acts. It’s like you learn to swim by swimming. You learn courage by couraging”.

And it is authentic life, along with courage, that makes it possible to take full advantage of what is being more and more important: Women Leadership Potential.

Women Empowerment Leadership is a comprehensive program to take women leadership to the next level. It’s based on the Energy Leadership™ & ELI™ assessmnet and helps to develop a personally effective style of leadership that positively influences and changes not only yourself, but also those with whom you work and interact, as well as your organization as a whole.


Imagine this…. what might be possible if you…


  • were more confident
  • were more assertive
  • were more courageous
  • were more connected to others and self, and
  • knew what blocks your true power & leadership potential?

Program outline

ELI™ assessment


Pre-workshop preparation:


Before the workshop, all participants receive an individual online access to the Energy Leadership Index™ Assessment.

All participants are requested to fill in the questionnaire at least a week before the workshop date.

2 days before the workshop all participants get the ELI™ assessment report with individual results and debrief guidelines.

Program benefits

You will KNOW

  • what is your own Woman Leader image.
  • the 7 perspectives of Women Leadership.
  • how does the mastery mindset (that attracts success) look like.
  • what blocks you from achieving your goals.

You will FEEL

  • confident and motivated to take up new challenges.
  • inspired to use your authenticity and strengths to lead your life & team with courage.
  • encouraged to become the Ideal Women Leader you want to be.

You will DO

  • recognise what influences your performance and happiness both at home & work.
  • discover & appreciate your authenticity as a leader who inspires, motivates and helps the team to achieve its maximum potential.
  • create a plan to overcome your blockers to live & lead to your full potential.

Bonuses included in the program

Bonus materials for all participants

free access to SCOPE mobile application
Core Energy Club membership with women dedicated content

Program Audience

  • women in leadership positions (all levels)
  • women entrepreneurs
  • women seeking for growth


  • Duration: 2 days
  • Max number of participants: 16
  • Trainers: Paulina Maslich, Anna Rząca
  • Materials provided: workbook for participants