
What kind of leader are you?


What kind of leader are you? Is your leadership style a response to current and future needs? Find out who the Leader 4.0 is, what are the competences of the future and what will guarantee your leadership success.

You have certainly participated in training courses for managers where you learned how to give feedback, how to motivate a team, or how to manage performance. These skills are essential, but will they guarantee your and your team’s success in a constantly changing environment?

For a start, consider how your leadership has changed over the past year:

  • Which of the tools you use still work, and which ones have lost their effectiveness?
  • How have you adapted your management style to the pandemic?
  • What did you have to give up and what did you have to learn?

If you hesitated with your answers, let me give you some tips on where to start to make sure your skills & competences are fir for the future.

Who is a conscious and agile leader?

Our current work environment is brittle, anxious and complex. The overload of information and data can cause information buzz and difficulties in extracting key messages. In order to find yourself in this incomprehensible world, make accurate and quick decisions, solve problems and achieve business goals, the traditional set of managerial tools is not enough. The need is much greater!


This is where the Leader 4.0 comes into play. 

Who is it?

It is a leader responding to industry 4.0, i.e. the world of constant change, digitization, information overload and unforeseen challenges.

Leader 4.0 is: 

  • Coach: has an individual approach to motivating, appreciating, inspiring and engaging self & others.
  • Futurist: follows trends, thinks in scenarios, easily analyzes available data and thus quickly adapts to changes.
  • Tech-teenager: makes great use of technology for the benefit of the team and the company;
  • Translator: is a master of communication.
  • Yoda: has great self-awareness, mental strength and high emotional intelligence.

Do you see these qualities and skills in yourself?

Why is a conscious & agile leader so necessary nowadays?

Your knowledge, talent, skills, potential are one thing, while your attitude, way of thinking and the way you react (also under stress) are something else. This second part determines whether you succeed or fail.

Even if you know everything about people management and have participated in the best training for managers, it won’t matter if you are frustrated, discouraged, demotivated, without vision and passion and self-confidence. Your success largely depends on your attitude and self-awareness!

Do you want to learn more about Leader 4.0 and the mental strength of a leader? You’re in the right place! In the following articles, we will show you how to become a conscious and agile leader who can be successful together with his team, despite changing environment.

Your success largely depends on your attitude and self-awareness!

My personal recommendations:

Would you like to strengthen your leadership skills and become conscious & agile Leader?

Would you like to build conscious & agile leadership team in your organization?

👇 Let’s talk!

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